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Basketball Tips & Strategies – August

HoopTactics Website Version 4 Is Now Online: Bigger, Smarter, Better

HoopTactics has upgraded our entire website. The world’s most in-depth look into proven basketball strategies is now even better. You’ll find many more strategies than ever before, improved presentations, and easier navigation. Whether you are looking for new ideas or just wanting to refresh your memory, you’ll find no finer collection of basketball strategies available anywhere. Guaranteed. Check it out – Click Here

Basketball Basics: Terminology

The only thing in the game of basketball that changes over time is terminology. Semantics are a big part of the game. A “Screen”? “Pick”? “Pin”? or “Get”? With players receiving basketball instruction from a variety of sources, it is imperative that the entire coaching staff is coordinated and uses the same basic terminology. Basketball terminology starts with the basic court lines & markings. Learn more – Click Here

Coaching Tips: Creating a Master Plan

Before undertaking any offensive or defensive system, coaches must be well organized and prepared. This requires careful planning and thought in creating a master plan. In developing a master plan in advance, it not only assures an organized, sequential coverage of all phases of the game, but, in addition insures the maximum use of the time available. A well thought out master plan will also create an environment that is more conducive to learning, making it possible to get much more accomplished during each practice. Learn more about master planning – Click Here


Defensive Tips: SOS Pressure Defense

SOS Defense

SOS pressure “D” can disrupt the most potent offenses with techniques and tactics that dictate the flow of the game. These defensive tactics set the tempo by striking first rather than reacting to an opponent’s game plan. Defensive Guru, Bob Kloppenburg, shares the basics of pressure “D” at its devastating best!

The SOS Pressure Defensive system is based on the concept of total disruption. Total disruption is achieved by having the defense initiate the action and attacking the offense, forcing the offensive players to react and move away from their normal offensive actions.

Whether you are disciple of pressure, a zealous advocate of the zone, or philosophically somewhere in between SOS pressure defense has something for you. The individual defensive fundamentals and teaching techniques presented will enhance team defensive performance no matter what basic system you favor. Learn More – Click Here

Playing Tips: What it Takes to Be an Athlete

Being a true athlete does not imply merely wearing the uniform and being just a member of the squad. You should not wish to participate in sports, you should wish to become successful in sports. There are many important phases to think about if you want to be a champion, not only in basketball but in life as well. Being a true athlete is by no means an easy job. Throughout the course of the season you will be pushed and trained hard to become the best that you are capable of becoming. To undergo such an athletic endeavor, you must prepare yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually. To view details – Click Here