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Basketball Strategies – August 2011


HoopTactics: Bigger, Smarter, Better

The world’s most in-depth look into proven basketball strategies is now even better. You’ll find many more strategies than ever before, improved presentations, and easier navigation. Whether you are looking for new ideas or just looking to refresh your memory, you will not find a better basketball resource. Guaranteed.

Coaching Tips: The Real Satisfaction of Coaching

In recent years, winning has become the primary focus in sports. Coaches and programs are being evaluated by the number of games won rather than their program model and teaching abilities. Constant full court games and tournaments, especially on the lower levels, have replaced teaching and skill development. However, winning is short term. The real success and satisfaction in coaching comes with teaching and assisting ALL of your players to become the best they are capable of becoming “ON” and “OFF” the court. Have fun and enjoy this great game!
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Defensive Strategies: Transition Defense

Do you incorporate defensive transition in your practices or do you just give it lip service and just remind them not to run back on defense with their backs to the ball after they have been burnt by an over the top pass and easy lay up? When teams walk the ball up the court, they are much easier to defend because the defense is able to get its players back into positions near the basket where they can execute pressure denials and traps. However, when teams continuously push the ball up the court and flow into early offense, it can prevent or hinder the best of pre-planned defensive disruption scenarios by forcing the defense to “react” rather than “act or attack.”

Off season and pick-up games create bad defensive transition habits. In these unorganized games, players have a tendency to hang back on offense (“Cherry Pick”) rather than hustle back on defense. As a result, during the season, coaches have their work cut out in establishing good defensive transition habits. Good transition defense really starts with good offense. When players take good care of the ball and take good shots along with strong offensive rebounding and defensive balance, it makes it difficult for the opponent to push the ball. However, do not do not leave defensive transition up to chance. Learn more about transition defense:
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Player Tips: Ten Sure Ways to Improve Your Shooting



Players have a tendency to work hard on their shooting form and offensive moves. However, there is more to shooting than proper mechanics. HoopTactics shows you 10 sure ways to ehance your shooting abilities:

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 FREE Printable Court Diagrams


College/HS, NBA, International court formats. Choose from 36 different styles: Full court (12), half courts (18) and combinations (6 ). Click Here