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Basketball Strategies – November 2010

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Team Atmosphere & Commitment
Pre-season Player Performance Evaluation
Eliminating “Game Slippage”
Feature Play: Printable Early Flow Sets

Coaching Strategies – Team Atmosphere

The most important aspect of basketball coaching is to create and foster a total team atmosphere and commitment. Insure your players that they’re going to play in a team atmosphere. Inform them that you’re not going to tolerate anyone on the team that keeps the other players from learning, you from coaching or any other misbehavior. You need to guarantee players equal opportunity, but not equal playing time. You must establish significant roles and assignments for every player on the squad. 

Insist on a team effort at all times. No one steps on the floor without a full‐hustle attitude. Great teams are a result of the best players being the hardest workers.

Coaching Strategies – Pre-Season Player Performance Analysis

CybersportsUSA LogoAt the beginning of the season, coaches are primarily interested in using the statistical reports for individual player analysis and evaluation. How well individual players are shooting, rebounding, making steals, etc. This is why it is important to get a head start and use your statistical program, such as Cybersports for basketball,  during preseason practices and scrimmages. Do NOT wait for actual games to statistically analyze your player performances.

Coaching Strategies – Preventing “Game Slippage”

“Game Slippage” actually starts with practice. Most coaches do an excellent job of teaching through break down drills. However, when it comes to scrimmaging, most are very poorly conducted and analyzed. Keeping statistics during practice scrimmages not only will provide useful data on individual player performances but, more importantly, it will enhance the caliber of play. For example: If a player turns the ball over 10 times, in the next scrimmage they will take better care of the ball or if a player goes 1 for 10 from three point range, they will have definitely have better shot selection. Basketball is a game of habits. By improving the quality of scrimmages through the use of statistics, it will definitely better prepare teams for actual games.

Featured Play: Early Offense Continuous “Flow” Sets

Most early offenses depend on quick, wide lane releases, inbound pass, and pass advance to reach the offensive operating areas before all of the defenders can retreat into the front court area. If  initial early push is denied by good defensive transition or poor offensive run outs, or slow inbound or outlet passes, then the offensive team should flow directly into their set offense without bringing the ball back out which would allow the defense to get set.

View/Print 57 proven early flow actions that have been amassed over the years. These sets can be ran to either side of the court depending on player strengths and weaknesses. However, keep in mind it is their execution and spacing that makes them successful.

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