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Basketball Tips & Strategies – October

Featured Play: Base Cross Offense

Base Cross Offense

Posting up is a big part of the game of basketball. It is truly an advantage to have a dominant force inside. However, post ups are not limited to just big men, look for all teams to exploit size mismatches at any position. In addition, teams will commonly deploy the tactic of a small player setting a screen for a big player to create mismatches such is the case with the Base Cross offense.

We coaches have a tendency to make the game too complex. At first glance the Base Cross offense may look simple, but it’s the execution of the baseline screen that is the key to making it so devastating. Learn More – Click Here

Defensive Tips: Transition Defense

Off season and pick-up games create bad defensive transition habits. In these unorganized games, players have a tendency to hang back on offense (“Cherry Pick”) rather than hustle back on defense. As a result, during the season, coaches have their work cut out in establishing good defensive transition habits. Good transition defense really starts with good offense. When players take good care of the ball and take good shots along with strong offensive rebounding and defensive balance, it makes it difficult for the opponent to push the ball. However, do not do not leave defensive transition up to chance. Learn more about defensive transition – Click Here

Playing Tips: Keys to Improving Your Free Throw Accuracy

What is your or your team’s current free throw percentage?

Free Throw Guide

Free Throw shots are unique in that the shooter has complete control of the shot. Free throws are shot from the same spot and distance from the basket with no defense to worry about. The shooter also has the choice of the type of shot to shoot. Since free throws account for approximately 25% of scoring, and a single free throw can make the difference in winning or losing, the ability to shoot free throws should be taken very seriously.

Anyone can be a successful free throws shooter regardless of age, sex and physical attributes. Shooting a free throw is a simple, single, action consisting of a minimum of moving parts with consistency, concentration and confidence playing important roles. Once the smooth, repetitive action of a free throw is learned and acquired, it becomes a natural reflex that is seldom lost. In fact, you will be able to make free throws with your eyes closed. However, don’t wait until you have a problem to improve your free throw shooting. Learn how the 3C’s can greatly improve your accuracy now – Click Here