Basketball play diagrams are the universal language of basketball coaches throughout the world. In fact, you can find basketball graffiti (play diagrams) on clipboards, white boards, napkins, gym floors, pieces of scratch paper, or just about anything coaches can write on. It is of the utmost importance that all players understand play diagrams, since coaches draw them on clipboards as a form of communication especially during a game.
A Typical Play DiagramBase Cross Offense |
To some, play diagrams may look like hieroglyphics or may be difficult to comprehend. However, by using a few basic symbols and color, HoopTactics makes it easy for even a novice to understand even the most complex play action. Once you learn the various symbols used in the diagrams you'll be able to instantly form mental images of the play action as if it were actually taking place on the court.
Offensive Players
Player with Ball
Player Dribbling
Player Passing
Player Shooting
Player Movement
Player Screen
Play Action Emphasis
Once players learn the various symbols used in the diagrams they will be able to instantly form mental images of the play action as if it were actually taking place on the court.
Pass and CutBall handler O1 passes to wing, and cuts to basket for return pass. This Give and Go action is one of the oldest, yet prettiest plays in basketball. | |
Down Screen action.Player O3 sets a down screen for O2. Down screens are the most used Off-Ball screens. |
Defensive Switch.Player O1 passes to wing and sets a diagonal screen for O3. Defenders X1 and X3 disrupt the screen by switching opponents. |
Defensive TrapDefenders X 1 and X 2 execute a double team on ballhandler O1. |
Once players learn the various symbols used in the diagrams they will be able to instantly form mental images of the play action as if it were actually taking place on the court.
Player O2 inbounds the ball to O3 breaking out to wing off O1's screen.
Player O3 then passes to O1 popping out to top of the circle and sets a double screen with O5.
Inbounder O2 steps inbounds under the basket with the options of continuing off O4's base screen or popping out off O3's and O5's double screen for shot.
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