Player performance is dependent on the correct execution of the basic fundamentals and timing. All the basketball skills and abilities in the world are of little value unless they are applied correctly. When learning and refining basketball skills, it is just as important to learn "WHY" and "WHEN" as well as "HOW" to perform and execute them. To be effective, basketball skills and techniques must be learned and practiced at game speed. Precise execution and footwork along with repetition are vital. Motor skill learning also requires visualization and mental practice. Motor skill learning is dependent upon physical conditioning. Superior conditioning does not just happen nor is it acquired quickly. It is the result of a well planned and executed program of exercise, rest, and diet. Rest and diet is just as important as exercise.
Basketball is a Game of Habits
Proper Warm-up - Key to a Successful Performance
The Importance of Having Your Hands Up
12 Effective Ways to Improve Your Quickness
Vital Importance of 6th Person(s) Role
Defensive Stopper - a Must Role for Success
Becoming a Strong Inbound Passer
Printable Drills to Improve Individual Skills & Team Performance
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